Monday 1 June 2020

My Farewell Prayer for All Saints'

As Kathie and I say goodbye, I leave you with this prayer.

Father, thank you for All Saints’, very dear to me - but even more so to you - and for giving me the privilege of leading it for 12 years. I’m so grateful.

As we move on, thank you for your great promise that you will never leave nor forsake us. As your people prepare to find a new leader, may they look to you as their guide, and be attentive and obedient to your voice.

Thank you for the abundance of wise and mature leaders at All Saints’. May each member honour and affirm them, esteeming godliness over giftedness.

Thank you for sweet fellowship. Fill the church to overflowing with love for one another. May the unity of the Holy Spirit abound. Drive away all division, competition and worldly ambition.

Thank you for the grace you have given All Saints’ as a place where children and young people thrive. May each one stay forever young and go on to be a lifelong, fully committed disciple of Christ.

Thank you for the passion for worship that is acceptable to you; may praise pour out from awe and the fear of the Lord. Let it be anchored in deep and sound truth. May grateful hearts well up with joy to be in your presence day by day.

Thank you for All Saints’ appreciation for strong Bible teaching. May there be an abiding reverence for your word; defend the church from false doctrine and people pleasing. Whatever the cost; be it ridicule, contempt or even persecution may the authority of Scripture be held in honour.

Thank you for your blessing on All Saints’ as a resource church. May its outreach be fruitful; that many would come under conviction of sin, be led to repentance, converted, filled with the Holy Spirit and added to a growing, multiplying church.

May All Saints’ never live as if this world is all there is, but store up treasure in heaven; being generous with time, money and possessions.

All these things I ask that that Christ may be exalted through his church. Let it be so! Amen!

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