Tuesday 19 May 2020

30 Things I’ve Learned Here

I have been so blessed to lead All Saints’ over the last 12 years; they have been among the happiest of my life. Here are some things I have learned as I reflect on my ministry here.

1. The key to good church leadership is loving God - and letting it show.
2. Prayerless churches slowly die; cover everything in prayer.
3. The secret of good pastoring is loving people; it’s that simple.
4. Remembering people's names says to them, “I care about you.”
5. Everyone, no exceptions, needs affirmation and encouragement.
6. Meaningful fellowship is best expressed in small groups.
7. Don’t worry about church growth; attend to church health and the growth will take care of itself.
8. Take children seriously and make time for them.
9. Evangelism is a process, not an event.
10. People around you who excel at what you do are a blessing, not a threat.
11. Good leadership is about good teams - build them.
12. When casting vision, it’s not enough to say why we need to go there; you need to say with passion why we can’t stay here.
13. People commit and give generously when they see a church is going places.
14. When releasing people in ministry, look for character more than charisma.
15. Enduringly strong churches are built on sound Bible teaching.
16. The best preaching is profound truth that is simply and honestly expressed.
17. Great worship reaches a crescendo around the Lord’s Table.
18. Never stop reading and learning.
19. The anointing of the Holy Spirit does not replace hard work.
20. But hard work is never a substitute for the Holy Spirit.
21. Church is not the building, but good buildings can help you be the church.
22. If you're coasting in ministry move on.
23. You won’t regret banning the Comic Sans font from church communications.
24. Most visitors to church come via the website; keep it attractive and up to date.
25. Newcomers are usually looking for a church where they can make friends.
26. A proper day off every week is essential for ministry health and stamina.
27. Accept praise but give God the glory.
28. You’re not indispensable; God has already appointed his Messiah; it isn’t you.
29. A wife of good character really is more precious than rubies.
30. Integrity is more important to God than success.

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