Wednesday 25 December 2013

Christmas at the Cinema

Many thanks to Ritchie Gillon from Saint Luke's Church of Scotland, Paisley for 95% of this material.

Some years ago, a film about celebrating the birth of Jesus came out just before Christmas. It was called NATIVITY. It wasn’t the first time the story of Jesus has been told on the big screen, of course.

But Hollywood can tell us that story in another way. Listen carefully and you’ll see what I mean – and, while you’re listening, see how many of the following 60 films you have heard of …

At this time of year, we come to church to hear once more the age-old Christmas Story – otherwise known as God’s LOVE STORY.

A GUY NAMED JOE was engaged to Mary. Joseph really loved Mary and Mary really loved Joseph. “IT’S A WONDERFUL LIFE”, Joseph was often heard to say.

But there’s SOMETHING ABOUT MARY I need to tell you about. She was expecting a very special child. 

You see, the angel Gabriel suddenly appeared to her ONE FINE DAY, nearly scaring THE LIVING DAYLIGHTS out of her, but he told her that she was to have a special child and name him Jesus, which means 'Saviour'.

“You must be BRAVE, Mary,” Gabriel said to her. 
Being the Saviour of the world is a MISSION IMPOSSIBLE, thought Mary. Her little boy’s task was not only SAVING PRIVATE RYAN but saving ALL CREATURES GREAT AND SMALL; including THE LONG AND THE SHORT AND THE TALL – not to mention THE GOOD, THE BAD AND THE UGLY.

When Mary told Joseph she was expecting a baby he was really shocked. ‘MAMMA MIA!’ he said. This was the last thing he WANTED to hear. But after the angel had spoken to him too in a dream, he felt much LES(S) MISERABLE(S). - Sorry! 

Ignoring all the local gossip, Joseph showed TRUE GRIT and he stuck by Mary because he loved her very much and because he loved her, he trusted her.

When Mary’s time to have the baby was near, she and Joseph had to make a JOURNEY TO THE CENTRE OF THE EARTH – otherwise known as Bethlehem – for that was where they had to go and register as part of a census.

When they got there, THE TOWN was very busy. Every HOLIDAY INN was chock full – there was not even room at HEARTBREAK HOTEL. All they found was an outside shelter where they kept the animals. “I would have preferred A ROOM WITH A VIEW,” said Mary. “Sorry," said Joseph, “but this is AS GOOD AS IT GETS.”

And so, after A HARD DAY’S NIGHT, there was a CRY IN THE DARK that heralded the birth of the new BABE – and they loved him very much and called him Jesus - THE MAN WHO WOULD BE KING.

Meanwhile, out on the hills nearby, some shepherds were looking after their sheep. ALL was QUIET ON THE WESTERN FRONT. But suddenly, in the middle of THE DARK (K)NIGHT, they were roused from their slumbers by THE SOUND OF MUSIC. They looked UP and what did they see?

They saw the night SKYFALL... - sorry, that should be 'the night skyfull' –  of HEAVENLY CREATURES singing praises to God. No, it wasn’t CHARLIE’S ANGELS – it was heaven's angels. They were announcing the wonderful news that a special baby had been born that night in Bethlehem – a Saviour who is Christ the Lord.

“Let’s go and see” they said. And so with GREAT EXPECTATIONS, they ran off at great SPEED and found Mary and Joseph. When they saw the baby in the manger they were simply ENCHANTED. Everything was just as the angels had said.

Meanwhile, in a faraway land three wise men were looking up at the heavens and spotted something unusual. “A STAR IS BORN” said one. “This surely means a great new king is born” said the second. “We must go and worship him,” said THE THIRD MAN. Coming from the east, they travelled a long way, until their STAR TREK finally led them to evil King Herod in Jerusalem. 

Now, to be honest, Herod was a complete PSYCHO. There was no way he would give up THE POWER AND THE GLORY as king. 

As a man of PRIDE AND PREJUDICE who was full of SECRETS AND LIES, he told the wise men that he wanted to go and worship the new king too - but really, he wanted to kill him.

After the wise men had heard THE KING’S SPEECH, they set off again until THE STAR brought them to Bethlehem and to Mary, and Joseph, and the baby. Offering Jesus their gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh they knelt down to worship him. And what a picture that was; THREE MEN AND A BABY.

That night they had a dream that Herod was plotting all manner of EVIL UNDER THE SUN so the wise men took THE LONG WAY HOME. And to avoid their CLEAR AND PRESENT DANGER, Mary and Joseph made a GREAT ESCAPE to Egypt where they stayed BRINGING UP BABY until Herod died and it was safe to return. And so Jesus grew up to fulfil his amazing mission to save the whole world. He loved THE UNTOUCHABLES and forgave the UNFORGIVEN. 

But it was only following THE LONG GOOD FRIDAY and his amazing RESURRECTION that people realised he was the KING OF KINGS and Lord of HEAVEN AND EARTH.

Some people have never heard the real Christmas story. 
But it is, in fact, THE GREATEST STORY EVER TOLD! Why is that? Is it the adventure? Not really. Is it the suspense? No. Is it the drama? Not even the drama. 

It’s the best story ever told because it tells us about God’s amazing LOVE, ACTUALLY.

Merry Christmas!

All-Age talk given at All Saints' Preston on Tees, 25th December 2013

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