Sunday 25 August 2024

Death and Taxes (Matthew 17.22-27)



The American founding father Benjamin Franklin is responsible for coining several everyday sayings that are still in common use today. 


“Time is money” is one of them. Also with a financial theme, “A penny saved is a penny earned”- that’s one of his as well. 


The quote for which he is probably most well-known though is from 1789 and the full quote is as follows; “Our new constitution is now established, everything seems to promise it will be durable; but, [and here’s the famous bit] in this world, nothing is certain except death and taxes.”


Death and taxes. Unavoidable death and inevitable taxes. There’s no escaping either, even this morning, because death and taxes are what today’s passage of scripture is all about. So let’s read it together, it’s Matthew 17.22-27.


When they came together in Galilee, [Jesus] said to them, ‘The Son of Man is going to be delivered into the hands of men. They will kill him, and on the third day he will be raised to life.’ And the disciples were filled with grief.


After Jesus and his disciples arrived in Capernaum, the collectors of the two-drachma temple tax came to Peter and asked, ‘Doesn’t your teacher pay the temple tax?’ ‘Yes, he does,’ he replied.


When Peter came into the house, Jesus was the first to speak. ‘What do you think, Simon?’ he asked. 


'From whom do the kings of the earth collect duty and taxes – from their own children or from others?’ ‘From others,’ Peter answered.


‘Then the children are exempt,’ Jesus said to him. ‘But so that we may not cause offence, go to the lake and throw out your line. Take the first fish you catch; open its mouth and you will find a four-drachma coin. Take it and give it to them for my tax and yours.’


I’m going to approach this in reverse order; we’ll come to death at the end (appropriately) but let’s begin with this little story about tax. It is surely a candidate for being one of the strangest things in the Gospels. 


As with all Bible stories containing animals, it’s a children’s favourite, and the range of possibilities for creative craft ideas is almost endless. 


But it is slightly weird, let’s be honest. Matthew is the only Gospel to include it, and that is perhaps understandable given that Matthew was himself a former tax collector, so he was naturally interested in all things fiscal and financial. Jesus is going to die and rise again, oh and by the way, please make sure you're all good with the Inland Revenue...


The story also preserves the disciples’ proud record of never catching a single fish in any of the four Gospels without Jesus doing some sort of miracle. Check that out. If you can find one occurrence in Matthew, Mark, Luke or John where any disciple catches even one fish without Jesus having to do a miracle, I’ll eat my Bible. And if you can find two, I’ll eat yours as well!


The story raises many questions. You might be wondering about some of them already. 


Including - did this miracle even happen? The Bible doesn’t say if Peter ever took the instruction seriously enough to carry it out. If it was me, I’m sure I’d be tempted to say to Jesus, “Really? What, seriously?”


presume Peter did, and if so, I expect 100% that everything turned out exactly as Jesus predicted, but Matthew never actually records the incident. 


Anyway, let’s do a bit of digging and try to get to the bottom of this story. What’s it all about? What’s going on here?


Privilege, position and provision


The two-drachma tax was an annual toll levied on every Jewish male 20-years-of-age and older and the revenue raised was used for the upkeep and maintenance of the temple. 


It amounted to about two day’s wages, once a year, so it was not extortionate. And it was not even compulsory; it was a voluntary contribution, but it became a badge of patriotism for public figures.


It was a little bit like the custom here of wearing a poppy every November. You would stand out if you presented the news on the BBC or spoke in parliament without a displaying a poppy – some people would mutter that it was a bit off, and in the same way, you were seen as disrespectful or disloyal if you didn’t pay this tax.


But the temple tax, like buying a poppy, is nowhere commanded in scripture. Nor was it required by Roman law. It was more a social expectation in the culture of the time. 


How is Jesus going to respond? Will he conform to these man-made religious rules? Or will he ignore them? Does he pay this tax or not?


William Barclay in his commentary says, “There is little doubt that the question was asked with malicious intent and that the hope was that Jesus would refuse to pay; for, if he refused, [they] would have grounds for making an accusation against him.” 


I think that’s right. The way the question is phrased, “doesn’t your teacher pay the temple tax?” suggests that they don’t think he does and they are hoping to slur Jesus as disloyal and unpatriotic, hating his own nation.  


Why do they ask Peter? Jesus is not all that far away; they can ask him if they want to. The answer, surely, is that they know that if they ask Jesus, he will, as usual, make utter mugs of them with a reply so perfect that they will fall into the very trap they are laying. 


In Luke 20.40 it says, after another determined effort to catch him out with trick questions, “And no one dared to ask him any more questions.”


So they chicken out and ask Peter instead. And Peter replies, without hesitation, that Jesus does in fact pay it.


In v25, Peter then goes into the house where Jesus is sitting, and before he has a chance to speak, Jesus asks him another question. 


“What do you think? From whom do the kings of the earth collect duty and taxes – from their own children or from others?”


Well. According to my research last week, the royal family doesn’t by law have to pay tax. There is no act of Parliament that requires them to do so. In fact, they are actually beneficiaries of the public finances through what’s called the Sovereign Grant. 


As it happens, since 1993, the royal family has voluntarily paid tax on income from the duchies and personal investments. But, unless I’m mistaken, it was not then, and is not now, mandatory. 


So King Charles is not going to knock on Prince William’s door and say, “Now look here, Wills old chap, His Majesty’s Revenue and Customs (that is to say my Revenue and Customs) are telling you to jolly well stump up a few grand for a new lick of gold paint on one’s royal carriage.” 


The king isn’t going to be sending HMRC demands to his children or grandchildren any time soon. 


So: “What do you think? From whom does Charles III collect duty and taxes – from William, Kate, George, Charlotte and Louis, or from others?”


Answer: “from others.” Us, basically. And that’s what Peter said too.


Prince William’s status as a child of the king frees him from all tax obligation to his father. “So,” says Jesus, “the children are exempt.”


Jesus is comparing the realms of this world with the kingdom of God. And his point is that in the kingdom of God, the children of God, have privileged access to the presence of God. Jesus is where heaven meets earth. 


Jesus himself, Immanuel, “God with us” is right there with them all the time. It’s better than any man-made temple with its constant need of maintenance and repairs.  


In the same way, we, as disciples, have privilege and position as children of God. We’ve got everything we need.


“But,” says Jesus, “we don’t want to put up an obstacle that prevents people from coming to faith, do we? So let’s avoid giving unnecessary offense.” The children (like our royal family) are happy to pay anyway. God, the king of all the earth, has a supply of unlimited resources.


God can provide directly, and superabundantly, whatever is right. Philippians 4.19 says, “my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus.”


We are princes and princesses, royal children. We have an astounding position and standing. We have unparalleled blessings and privileges. We are blessed in Christ Jesus with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly realms. We have an open door to God, not earned by our own works but through knowing Christ. And we are blessed in creation by living in a beautiful world.


Here’s another Benjamin Franklin quote for you; “Behold the rain which descends from heaven upon our vineyards, there it enters the roots of the vines, to be changed into wine, a constant proof that God loves us, and loves to see us happy.”


Amen to that! It is my testimony that God has blessed me by orders of magnitude more than I deserve all my life. I have never really wanted for any necessity. 


Whenever I have gone to him with a real need, he has always supplied what I lacked. Significantly, the only time my bank account has ever been in the red was when we were first married, and we weren’t tithing. 


It’s the same with every church I have belonged to. Inasmuch as it has stayed faithful to scripture and looked to the Lord to supply every need, every church I have been part of has always had sufficient funds to do everything God called it to do, and an excess to give away. 


Even after a wealthy member moved on or, as happened here last year, we were faced with totally unaffordable bills and were three months from bankruptcy, God has always provided.


It sounds counterintuitive, but this is my experience; if you want God’s miraculous provision in your life, start by being a giver yourself. Bless someone in need. Invest in the Lord’s work. Give away gladly the first fruits of what God has given you. 


That is the evidence of your faith in God to be able to meet all your needs. And God never owes anyone anything. You can’t outgive him.


The Bible is clear that we are not allowed to put God to the test. Time and time again it says that to us - with one notable exception. The only area in life where we are permitted, indeed commanded, to test God is in the area of finances. 


In Malachi 3.10 God says, and he means it, “Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this, says the Lord Almighty, and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it.”


So Jesus is generous here as usual. This action in no way compromises his mission, like so many of the religious traditions of his day did. So he conforms. Why cause unnecessary offence?


“Yeah, we’ll give a contribution for the temple, it’s a place where people can meet with God, fine.” And God supplies the money for it with a very strange miracle in v27.


“Go to the lake, open the mouth of the first fish you catch and take the coin you find which is enough for my tax and yours.” 


I should make a note to remember this when I’m filling out my tax return next year…


God’s omniscience


If you’ve ever been a tourist to the Sea of Galilee, as I have, there’s a good chance you’ll have been served what they call Saint Peter’s fish, as I was. Otherwise known as the tilapia, this is one of the main species of fish in that lake. 


According to the Zondervan Study Bible, this fish “frequently scoops up objects fallen on the lakebed and people have caught fish there with coins in their mouths even in modern times.”


As all freshwater anglers know, fish are attracted by bright flashing objects – that is literally how tons of trout and salmon are caught every year.


And Michael Green, in his commentary on Matthew adds another testimony. With respect to fish from the Sea of Galilee, he writes, “I have myself placed a silver coin much larger than the drachma mentioned here in the mouth of a tilapia fish.” 


So the miracle is not so much that there was a fish with a coin in its mouth; it seems that does happen. The miracle is that Jesus knows that a coin will be in the mouth of precisely the very first fish Peter catches with his rod, and that it will be the exact sum necessary to pay Peter’s temple tax and his own. 


Jesus also knows that Peter has been engaged in a conversation about all this with the tax collectors before he walks into the house.


Before that, in v22-23, and we’ll come to this shortly, he knows that he will soon be handed over and killed, and on the third day raised to life.


Jesus knows everything. He knows what we’re thinking. He knows our ambitions. He knows our motivations. He knows our past and he knows our future. Nothing takes him by surprise.


There were two men who retired in a certain town. Every day they met up on a park bench. Ten years passed, then twenty. One day, one said to the other, “You know, my memory isn’t what it used to be. Can you remind me of your name?” There was silence. So he repeated the question. Again, there was a long silence. Finally, the other bloke turned to his friend and said, “When do you need to know by?” 


Some of us can relate to that. But God knows everything, remembers everything, understands everything. It’s what theologians call his omniscience.


Pastor and author Gavin Ortlund is really helpful on this. He outlines seven areas of God’s omniscience (what follows is slightly abbreviated and adapted).


First, God fully knows himself; his infinite knowledge encompasses his infinite being. The Father knows the Son, and the Son knows the Father and the Holy Spirit searches all the mysteries of the God. 


Second, God fully knows his own decree or eternal purpose; all the events that transpire as the outworking of his sovereign will. 


Third, he fully knows the past, which is as vivid to him as the present. Accordingly, God’s “forgetfulness” of our past sins refers to his commitment to never count them against us. 


Fourth, he fully knows the present, from the number of the stars in the universe to the number of the hairs on our head. 


Fifth, God fully knows the future, even the free will decisions and actions of his creatures, years from now.


Sixth, he fully knows all people that actually exist and events that happen.


And seventh, he knows all possible things, that is, all people and events that could possibly exist and happen but never do (for example, he knows the would-be response of people long dead if they had witnessed Jesus’s miracles centuries later, and he knows the would-be response of people who never heard the gospel if they had heard it). 


God knows it all. The manifold wisdom of God!


Some people mistakenly think this is a bit creepy. God knows all my secrets. He knows when I get up, when I lie down, my deepest thoughts, my hopes, my fears. 


But, as Psalm 139 shows, it’s actually a great comfort, because it means that God knows in exhaustive detail the whole truth all about you, everything, and he still loves you with a steadfast heart and an unwavering commitment.


He will be delivered


As I said at the start, this is now Jesus’ second of three predictions of his death. Each time, Jesus adds more detail.


This time, he tells the disciples not only that he will die and rise again, he says that he will be delivered into the hands of men. Someone is actually going to hand him over to those who will do the deed. He will be betrayed


Jesus, the most wonderful life ever lived, who showed such loyalty to his people by paying the temple tax, will be repaid by the most grievous disloyalty by one who will surrender him to the murderous will of evil men.


In v23 we notice that this second disclosure prompts a different reaction from the disciples. In chapter 16, their response was one of denial. “No. Lord! This shall never happen to you.” 


This time, it says they are “filled with grief.” Still, it seems, they don’t really register what Jesus says to them about the resurrection. They only hear the bad news. 


But the gospel is good news, and when we come to communion in a moment, we are not mourning and laying flowers at a grave. We are enjoying the presence of the one who has overcome death forever and is with us as we eat and drink.




Sometimes people, going through a hard time, say something like, “What have I done to deserve this?” 


But, as I end, and as we gather at the Lord’s table, the real “What have I done to deserve this?” is not one of grievance, but of gratitude. 


What have I done to deserve such grace, such mercy, such favour, salvation, freedom from slavery to sin, eternal life, adoption to be a child of the King, spiritual gifts and provision every day from the God who keeps on giving? 


Let’s stand to pray...

Sermon preached at King's Church Darlington, 25 August 2024.

Sunday 4 August 2024

Suffer Many Things (Matthew 16.21-28)



The particularly observant among you, who pay close attention to what the preachers say, and what they leave out, will have noticed that last week I read, but did not speak about, at any time, v20 of Matthew 16.


If you were here, you’ll remember (hopefully) that last Sunday, we were looking at the episode in Caesarea Philippi where Jesus asks his disciples, “Who do you say I am?” And Simon Peter, you might recall, inspired, comes out with the perfect answer: “You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God.” 


And Jesus replies, “You’re blessed, because no one taught you that; it was a revelation from heaven. And this is the foundation I will build my church on and the gates of hell will not stand against its relentless advance.” I’m paraphrasing.


But in v20, Matthew goes on to add a curious detail; “Then Jesus warned them not to tell anyone that he was the Christ.”


Today we’re going to explore together why that is. But before we do, let’s read today’s passage, which immediately follows on from that - Matthew 16.21-28.


From then on Jesus began to tell his disciples plainly that it was necessary for him to go to Jerusalem, and that he would suffer many terrible things at the hands of the elders, the leading priests, and the teachers of religious law. He would be killed, but on the third day he would be raised from the dead.


But Peter took him aside and began to reprimand him for saying such things. “Heaven forbid, Lord,” he said. “This will never happen to you!” Jesus turned to Peter and said, “Get away from me, Satan! You are a dangerous trap to me. You are seeing things merely from a human point of view, not from God’s.”


Then Jesus said to his disciples, “If any of you wants to be my follower, you must give up your own way, take up your cross, and follow me. If you try to hang on to your life, you will lose it. But if you give up your life for my sake, you will save it. And what do you benefit if you gain the whole world but lose your own soul? Is anything worth more than your soul? For the Son of Man will come with his angels in the glory of his Father and will judge all people according to their deeds. 


And I tell you the truth, some standing here right now will not die before they see the Son of Man coming in his Kingdom.”


There’s an old lady in Cardiff who used to keep a budgie in a cage. And this bird could sing the first few lines of the classic hymn, “What a Friend We Have in Jesus.” 


People would tap its cage, and it would start to sing, “What a friend we have in Jesus” and every time it sang, people would put a £1 coin in a little box. Every few months, the little old lady would send what had been collected to a missionary working in Kenya. 


That budgerigar raised hundreds of pounds! It actually did more than many Christians do; it praised the Lord every day, it stimulated much charitable giving, and it regularly supported overseas mission!


But crucially, that little bird didn’t have faith. It didn’t actually follow Jesus. It just recited words… Today we’re going to see what following Jesus looks like.


The Suffering Servant


But first, we need to connect the beginning of our passage today with the end of the one we were looking at last week.


Why does Jesus respond by strictly warning his followers not to tell anyone who he is?


You would have thought that, now they know, Jesus would send them out two by two to tell all the towns and villages that the long wait is over! That the chosen one has arrived. That all Israel’s longings and hopes are right now being fulfilled. That God’s only Son is here. But, in fact, Jesus does the exact opposite. He says as firm and as decisive a “no” as it is possible to say.


Why? Because, while the long-suffering nation is expecting an all-conquering hero, who will make Israel great again, and inaugurate a golden age of economic prosperity and military dominance, that is not the kind of Messiah they are going to get.


And so Jesus now sets out very clearly what the immediate future is going to look like. And in the next 8 verses the disciples are going to reel from one shocking statement to the next.


Up to now, Jesus has spoken about his death in veiled and oblique ways. 


“Just as Moses lifted up the snake in the wilderness, so the Son of Man must be lifted up, that everyone who believes may have eternal life in him” (John 3.14).


“But the time will come when the bridegroom will be taken from them” (Mark 2.20).


But now, to the disciples’ alarm and consternation Jesus now tells them in v21 “plainly” it says, that is explicitly, not in parables, not in figures of speech, that it is necessary (note that word) necessary for him to go to Jerusalem. 


And there he will be met, not with acclaim and adulation, as expected, but with derision. He will “suffer many terrible things” at the hands of the religious authorities. And these many terrible things will result in, not triumph and coronation, as universally anticipated, but “death.” 


And, though Jesus quickly adds that he will then rise alive from the dead on the third day, it seems that the twelve are so rocked and traumatised by what they have just been told that no one really hears it. 


They’re all reeling from what Jesus has just said. They are simply not prepared for the shock. And, as we’ll see shortly, it’s about to get worse. 


This is the first of three such predictions in Matthew’s Gospel. Each time, it becomes more explicit. By chapter 20, when the third prediction is made, Jesus is going into detail about what’s going to happen. 


“I am going to be betrayed and delivered over to the chief priests and teachers of the law. Then, in collusion with the Romans, they’re going to sentence me to death, mock me, publicly humiliate me, spit in my face, pull my beard out in lumps, flog me with a whip, and then they’re going to kill me by crucifixion.” This is not a metaphor. I really am going to die. “And then, after three days, I will rise from the dead.”


From now on in Matthew’s Gospel, the miracles are no longer going to be prominent. The dominant focus is now abruptly turning from signs and wonders to suffering and the cross. 


But at this point, in this first prediction, Jesus’ summary of what’s to come is concise and relatively short on detail. Nevertheless, Peter understands only too well. 


Because Peter, always the spokesman, always shooting from the hip, motivated no doubt by his love for the Lord, immediately intervenes. “No! No!” He takes Jesus to one side. And he lectures him. “No, Lord, this will never happen to you!”


The word ‘Lord’ is found 700 times in the New Testament to refer to Jesus. It refers to his authority, his leadership, his sovereignty, his headship. This word “Lord” (kyrios in Greek) always means one of higher status and greater eminence. It means “Master. It means Jesus is in charge, he alone sets the agenda, and he alone calls the shots. 


And here’s Peter saying, “No, Lord.” It’s a category error. There’s only, “Yes, Lord.” 


Peter, by saying, “No, Lord,” is effectively putting himself in charge and making himself the arbiter what Jesus can and cannot do. 


Can you see now why Jesus warns them so sternly in v20, not to let on to anyone that he is the Messiah? They cannot be trusted to say a word to anyone because they do not have the first idea of what kind of Messiah they are looking at. 


They all know about the prophecy of Isaiah 9, that the Messiah will be a great and exalted ruler.


And the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called, 

Wonderful Counsellor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.

Of the greatness of his government and peace there will be no end.

He will reign on David’s throne and over his kingdom,

establishing and upholding it with justice and righteousness 

From that time on and forever.

(Isaiah 9.6-7)

Every Jew in those days knew all this by heart. Every Jewish mother giving birth to a baby boy, would ask herself, “will this be the one to save us from our enemies?” 


But nobody made the connection from the prophesy of Isaiah 53 that the Messiah would also be a suffering servant.


But he was pierced for our transgressions, 

he was crushed for our iniquities;

the punishment that brought us peace was on him, 

and by his wounds we are healed…

Yet it was the Lord’s will to crush him and cause him to suffer,

and though the Lord makes his life an offering for sin,

he will see his offspring and prolong his days,

and the will of the Lord will prosper in his hand.

After he has suffered, he will see the light of life and be satisfied.

(Isaiah 53.5, 10-11)


So Jesus silences them because they simply don’t get it. 


And listen, every time you read in the Gospels, after a great miracle or revelation, you read about Jesus strictly warning people to not tell anyone, every time, lift your head and praise God! For this is an expression of his determination and resolve to suffer many things and die in our place to rescue us from an eternity of deserved spiritual anguish in hell. 


Jesus is not going to let his mission be hindered or deflected by mistaken expectations of what the Messiah came to do.  


And in Peter’s attempt to dissuade him from going to the cross, Jesus sees the demonic; the devil’s strategy to oppose the plan of God and divert him from his mission. 


“The Son of Man came not to be served but to serve,” he said, “and to lay down his life as a ransom for many.”


The Determined Disciple


But Jesus has not finished. There’s more. Not only is he going to suffer and die. In v24-26 he goes on to describe and define what all this is going to mean for them.


And far from setting out for them an attractive vision of them reigning victoriously with him, he speaks of them having to carry theircross and deny themselves and give up their lives as well.


And, while they’re all still absorbing the shock of these, for them, appalling words, he comes out with something else equally startling. In v27-28 he directs their attention towards the eternal judgement that he will personally carry out. 


You’ve got to feel for these disciples; they’re like a boxer on the ropes being pounded with one huge blow after another. 


What on earth do they make of Jesus’ invitation in v24, “If any of you wants to be my follower, you must give up your own way, take up your cross, and follow me.”


Here, we have three requirements for discipleship. 


1) You must, says Jesus, deny yourself. This is not about six unhappy weeks of chocolate deprivation during Lent. It is not about asceticism or living like a monk. This is far more radical than that. It means I cease to put self at the centre of my life. Instead, there is a Copernican revolution where Jesus becomes central and focal and paramount in my world.


2) You must, says Jesus, take up your cross. This is not a reference to putting up with some annoying burden. People might talk of a lazy husband or a hen-pecking wife as the cross I have to bear. Crucifixion was anything but an inconvenient irritation. These days people wear crosses. But in those days, crosses wore people. It was brutal. Jewellery in the form of a cross at the time of Jesus would have been unthinkable.  


The disciples expect that their enemies will suffer. They do not anticipate at all the prospect of suffering for Jesus as a direct result of following him.


Victorian Bishop of Liverpool J.C. Ryle once said that we are always trying to make religion ‘pleasant’ by sanding off the corners and edges of the cross.


But Jesus is clear that following him will require us to be willing to sacrifice and endure anything and everything dear to us – even life itself if it comes to it – because of our love for Christ.


And, let’s be clear. Taking up our cross does not contribute in any way to the unique, and sufficient, and complete work of Christ in our place to atone for and pay for sin. It is simply an appropriately grateful response of service and sacrifice for the Lord we love.


And 3) You must, says Jesus, follow him wherever he goes.


Last month, I read a brilliant book by Rachel Gilson called Born Again this Way. She describes her experience as a young woman growing up atheist in a thoroughly secular home in California. She writes about her coming out to her parents as a lesbian and having romantic and sexual relationships with girls. 


She then explains how, in her first year at Yale University, she unexpectedly became a Christian. And the book then explores how she came to terms with all that. She describes the pain involved in ending a relationship that she was in. The rejection she faced from the LGBT community who saw her conversion as a betrayal. 


She says, “I lost meaningful relationships, and it hurt. Two of my favourite friends from high school expressed disgust to my face and never interacted with me again.”


Why should it surprise us, following a Messiah who was despised and rejected by the world, if we find that it hates us as well? Some Christians are amazed when their words are attacked and opposed, when they are ridiculed and cancelled, but should we expect anything else when we follow one who was murdered for the things he said? 


The Christian rapper Trip Lee says it very plainly. “Don’t be deceived,” he says. “You cannot follow Jesus and be liked by everybody at the same time.”


And then, in v25-26, following these three requirements for discipleship, Jesus sets out three explanations of why following Jesus is worth it, despite the potential cost.


1) If you try to hang on to your life for my sake, says Jesus, you will lose it. A vain attempt at self-preservation will only result in the most catastrophic loss imaginable.


2) Conversely, if you give up your life for my sake, says Jesus, you will save it. 


3) Comparing life to the world of investments, with profits and gains and losses, Jesus sets out the fantasy return of gaining the entire wealth of every stock market, bond market, currency market, all gold reserves, every property portfolio, the priceless exhibits of every museum and art gallery on earth, the contents of every bank vault – the lot – and says, what kind of return is that if you forfeit your very soul? 


Losing your very soul has final, eternal consequences and the loss is unrecoverable. 


Andrew White was a Christian leader in Baghdad following the second Gulf war. In his book Faith Under Fire he writes these words. 


“In Iraq… there is no concept of being a ‘nominal’ Christian as there is in the West. If you are a Christian you go to church each week (which for Christians in Iraq happens on Fridays and Sundays) and at every festival. Christians take days off work or school for key holy days and, as a result, the fact that they are practicing Christians is easily noticed… There can be no hiding… which can make things very difficult and dangerous for believers. Nevertheless, our people refuse to deny the practice of their faith. 


Remember, this is a highly dangerous time of explosions and kidnappings and beheadings. 


Finally, Jesus sets it all in the context of the last judgement. Verse 27. The Son of Man will come with his angels in the glory of his Father and will judge all people according to their deeds.


Remember that when Christians first read this Gospel, it would probably have been during the reign of Nero, and the first of many waves of persecution was crashing down on their hated community. Christians were being thrown to the lions in the Coliseum or burned alive as fuel to light up the emperor’s garden parties.


Those responsible for such atrocities will one day have to give an account of their wicked deeds to Christ. And those in North Korea, and Iran, and Afghanistan and northern Nigeria, and Pakistan and India and China will too.  


In the 1960s and 1970s the Chinese authorities decided to change the colour coding on traffic lights. They had Chairman Mao’s red book and a red flag so they thought that red should be seen as a positive colour.


So the government said, “Right. From now on, red means “go” and not “stop.” It was a disaster! Road accident statistics went through the roof. People were simply too accustomed to thinking that red means “stop.”


In our culture today, the same thing has happened with morality and purity and gender. People are trying to tell you “green means red and red means green.” “Go means stop and stop means go.” We are becoming morally colour-blind. 


Oxford-based church leader Simon Ponsonby says, “Every person, one way or another, has made a judgement about God: whether to love God or leave him out of their lives; whether to acknowledge and follow his revelation or ignore it and go their own way. And God has fixed a day when he will make a judgement on each human for the judgement they made about him.”




In their book The Amazing Cross, Jeremy and Elizabeth McQuoid share the story of Tim White and his son Ryan. 


In the first 15 years of his life, Ryan had over 30 surgeries. When he was about eight years old, he was in the hospital for another operation. 


This is how Tim tells the story: The medical staff began to roll his surgical bed to the operating theatre. As usual, we accompanied him to the two big doors that led to the place of surgery. That is where we stopped, and told him all would be OK for the last time before surgery.


This day, as we got to the doors and they opened, he sat up in the bed, looked at me in the eyes and pleaded, ‘Dad, don’t let them take me!’


At that moment my heart was broken. I would have done anything to take him off that bed except for the fact that he had to have the surgery. That knowledge didn’t ease the pain in my heart at all. I just stood trembling as the doors closed, and he disappeared. That is when I broke down in tears.


Shortly after, when I was asking God how such a good love could hurt so much, I realised that he had gone through the same thing. In the Garden of Gethsemane Jesus prayed: ‘Father, if there is any other way, let this cup pass from me.’ Translated into the language of a child, ‘Daddy, don’t let them take me.’


I allowed the surgeons to take my son for his own good. God allowed the crucifiers to take his Son for our good. That is how much God loves us. 


And as I end, I want to circle back to Jesus’ words at the beginning of our passage today. He told them plainly that it was necessary for him to suffer many terrible things. 


What greater expression could there be of God’s amazing love for you? Feel it wash over you again and again. 


Had he taken the acclaim and avoided the cross, and not willingly laid down his life for sinners, my situation, your situation would be utterly doomed and eternally hopeless. 

Amazing love, how can it be, that thou my God shoulds’t die for me?