We had a bit of fun at Christmas with this Bible quiz. There were four teams of two players and the trophy went to Joseph and Kathie. Of course, I definitely would have won it, but I devised the quiz so I knew all the answers. I therefore took the role of question master.
As in Who Wants to Be a Millionaire, there are four options for each question. No phone a friend, 50:50 or ask the audience though.
40 is often a number of testing in the Bible, so there are 40 questions. This is not an exam though, just a game. Test your Bible knowledge. Answers are found in italics below. No cheating!
1. According to the Book of Genesis, Lot’s drunken incest with his two daughters results in the origin of which two peoples
A. The Moabites and Ammonites
B. The Hittites and Jebusites
C. The Perizites and Edomites
D. The Parisians and Liverpudlians
2. Exodus tells how people built a golden calf in the Sinai desert. But 1 Kings tells us they later made two others. Where were they located?
A. Hebron and Lachish
B. Bethel and Dan
C. Bethlehem and Beersheba
D. Shiloh and Shechem
3. Which is the correct chronological order?
A. Ephesians Ezekiel Ecclesiastes Exodus
B. Ecclesiastes Exodus Ezekiel Ephesians
C. Ezekiel Ephesians Exodus Ecclesiastes
D. Exodus Ecclesiastes Ezekiel Ephesians
4. According to Leviticus, what day every 50 years announces the year of Jubilee with a blast of the ram's horn throughout the land?
A. The first day after the Passover
B. The last day of the Feast of Tabernacles
C. The day of Atonement
D. Christmas Day
5. According to the book of Numbers, why was Moses not permitted to enter the promised land?
A. Because he complained to God about having only manna to eat
B. Because he struck the rock to give water instead of just speaking to it
C. Because clumsily broke the two tablets with the commandments
D. Because his passport was well out of date
6. When Joshua and the Israelites are conquering Canaan, a group of people trick Joshua into swearing to grant them perpetual safety by pretending to come from a distant land. Who are they?
A. The Rekabites
B. The Gibeonites
C. The Hittites
D. The Gigabytes
7. The book of Ruth is contemporary with which other book in the Bible?
A. Job
B. Judges
C. Joshua
D. Joel
8. The Bible’s record of Elijah and Elisha in 1 and 2 Kings says;
A. That Elijah did twice as many miracles as Elisha
B. That they did exactly the same amount of miracles
C. That Elisha did twice as many miracles as Elijah
D. That neither did any miracles at all
9. Why are there 2 books of Chronicles?
A. 1 and 2 Chronicles are about the same story but from two different perspectives
B. Chronicles was originally one book, but when they translated it, it was too long to fit on one scroll
C. They were written by two different authors centuries apart
D. 1 Chronicles was so popular they commissioned a sequel
10. Solomon’s famous prayer “if my people who are called by my name…” is said at which event?
A. The visit of the Queen of Sheba
B. His coronation
C. The inauguration of the temple
D. One of his many weddings
11. In the book of Ezra, why does Ezra pull out his hair and beard?
A. Israelites were taking too long to rebuild the temple
B. Israelites were marrying pagan foreign women
C. Israelites were working on the sabbath
D. There were no scissors in those days
12. According to the Book of Nehemiah how long does it take to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem?
A. 106
B. 75 days
C. 52 days
D. A couple of weeks (not counting weekends and bank holidays)
13. In the book of Esther, what does the king do when he cannot sleep at night?
A. Have history books read to him
B. Have repetitive music played to him
C. Have strong wine brought for him
D. Have servants pass sheep before him to count
14. Who wrote Psalm 23 - the Lord’s my shepherd?
A. Asaph
B. David
C. The sons of Korah
D. It doesn’t say who wrote it.
15. Most of the Proverbs are attributed to Solomon but some near the end are attributed to:
A. King Og’s wife
B. King Agur’s sister
C. King Lemuel’s mother
D. Kink Kong’s daughter
16. Why in the Song of Songs does the woman ask the man not to stare at her?
A. Because she is ashamed of her plain dress
B. Because she is ashamed of her suntan
C. Because she is ashamed of having no shoes
D. Because she just finds him a bit creepy
17. Which Old Testament book prophesies a humble Messiah riding on a donkey?
A. Isaiah
B. Hosea
C. Habakkuk
D. Zechariah
18. How many of the minor prophets ministered after the return from exile?
A. 4 (Joel, Amos, Obadiah and Nahum)
B. 3 (Haggai, Zechariah and Malachi)
B. 2 (Hosea and Jonah)
D. 1 (Zephaniah)
19. In the Book of Lamentations what is the author crying about?
A. A terrible famine
B. The destruction of Jerusalem
C. A plague of locusts
D. Shocking pollution in the rivers of Babylon
20. In the book of Daniel, what is the name of the Babylonian king whose face turned pale at the writing on the wall by a disembodied hand?
A. Darius of Persia
B. Belshazzar of Babylon
C. Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon
D. Xerxes of Persia
21. The book of Nahum rails against the endless cruelty of who?
A. Assyria
B. Babylon
C. Egypt
D. Sodom and Gomorrah
22. In which Old Testament book do you find the following statement? “I found one upright man among a thousand but not one upright woman among them all?”
A. Deuteronomy
B. Job
C. Ezekiel
D. Ecclesiastes
23. In which New Testament book does Jesus say, “It is more blessed to give than receive?”
A. Matthew
B. Acts
C. Galatians
D. Revelation
24. In which town’s synagogue did Jesus read from Isaiah 61 and say “Today this scripture is fulfilled in your hearing”?
A. Capernaum
B. Chorazin
C. Nazareth
D. Jericho
25. Only one of the 4 Gospels records Jesus as saying, “I am thirsty” on the cross. Which one is it?
A. Matthew
B. Mark
C. Luke
D. John
26. What was the name of the high priest‘s servant who got his ear cut off in Gethsemane?
A. Malchus
B. Marcus
C. Malen
D. Millhouse
27. Only one of the 4 Gospels contains the parable of the growing seed. Which Gospel is it?
A. Matthew
B. Mark
C. Luke
D. John
28. What are the first recorded words of Jesus in John’s Gospel?
A. Follow me
B. What do you want?
C. Come and see
D. I saw you under the fig tree
29. In the Acts of the Apostles, Philip had four unmarried daughters who all had the same spiritual gift. Was it
A. Tongues
B. Healing
C. Discernment of spirits
D. Prophecy
30. Among the churches Paul planted, which is situated in the province of Achaea?
A. Corinth
B. Ephesus
C. Philippi
D. Pisidian Antioch
31. Which letter of Paul is generally considered to be his earliest?
A. Romans
B. Galatians
C. Colossians
D. 1 Timothy
32. 1 Corinthians claims in 1.1 to be written by two authors. Paul and…
A. Silas
B. Timothy
C. Gaius
D. Sosthenes
33. In Paul’s list of personal sufferings in 2 Corinthians 11, which indignity is not listed?
A. Shipwrecks
B. Sleepless nights
C. Hunger and thirst
D. Betrayal
34. Which of these titles of Jesus is not found in 1 Timothy?
A. King of kings
B. King of the ages
C. Lord of glory
D. Lord of Lords
35. Paul’s letter to Titus addresses the situation in the church on which Mediterranean island?
A. Malta
B. Cyprus
C. Crete
D. Lampedusa
36. In which New Testament letter are we urged to “contend for the faith that was once for all entrusted to God’s holy people”?
A. Hebrews
B. 1 Peter
C. 2 John
D. Jude
37. According to the letter to the Hebrews, which priestly order does Jesus belong to?
A. Aaron
B. Levi
C. Catholic
D. Melchizedek
38. According to the book of James God’s perfect law gives:
A. Freedom
B. Perseverance
C. Justice
D. Wisdom
39. Who is the 3rd letter of John addressed to?
A. Demetrius
B. The chosen lady
C. The twelve tribes
D. Gaius
40. Revelation 16 describes seven bowls. But what do they contain?
A. The prayers of the saints
B. The wrath of God
C. The blood of the Lamb
D. The food of the beast
1. a) The Moabites and Ammonites
2. b) Bethel and Dan
3. d) Exodus, Ecclesiastes, Ezekiel, Ephesians
4. c) The day of Atonement
5. b) Because he struck the rock to give water instead of just speaking to it
6. b) The Gibeonites
7. b) Judges
8. c) Elisha did twice as many miracles as Elijah
9. b) Chronicles was originally one book, but when they translated it, it was too long to fit on one scroll
10. c) The inauguration of the temple
11. b) Israelites were marrying pagan foreign women
12. c) 52 days
13. a) Have history books read to him
14. b) David
15. c) King Lemuel’s mother
16. b) Because she is ashamed of her suntan
17. d) Zechariah
18. b) Haggai, Zechariah and Malachi
19. b) The destruction of Jerisalem
20. b) Belshazzar of Babylon
21. a) Assyria
22. d) Ecclesiastes
23. b) Acts
24. c) Nazareth
25. d) John
26. a) Malchus
27. b) Mark
28. b) What do you want?
29. d) Prophecy
30. a) Corinth
31. b) Galatians
32. d) Sosthenes
33. d) Betrayal
34. c) Lord of glory
35. c) Crete
36. d) Jude
37. d) Melchizedek
38. a) Freedom
39. d) Gaius
40. b) The wrath of God